How to organize a move-in party

Moving is exhausting. It is difficult to organize your relocation, pack an entire household, find reliable moving services Las Vegas, etc. In addition to this, you have to say goodbye to your old house, neighbors, friends, maybe even your family. In most cases, it is sad to move away. When you finally move into your new house, you again need to unpack everything, decorate your home, and similar. Once you make your new house functional and pretty, it is time to organize a move-in party. This would be a perfect opportunity to meet your new neighbors, show your new house to your friends and family, and have a great time. 

garden party
You can organize a garden party if the weather is nice

You should wait before you organize a move-in party 

When you move into your new house, you will be busy unpacking all the boxes. It is extremely stressful to move. For this reason, you should relax after the move. It depends on your personal preference how will you relax. Here are just some recommendations. 

  • Take a walk – if you have a pet, this option is perfect. Both you and your dog will enjoy some fresh air and a chance to stretch your legs. 
  • Read a book – for all the book lovers, now it is time to read all the books on your TBR list.  
  • Yoga – yoga is perfect for reducing your level of stress. Since moving and unpacking are physically exhausting, yoga will do wonders for your physical and mental health.  

Pick a date for your party and send out invitations 

If you plan to invite your neighbors as well, you need to pick a date that suits most people in your neighborhood. This is usually a Friday afternoon or weekend. In addition to this, give yourself time to unpack all the boxes that moving companies Henderson NV delivered. Then, you can invite your guests over the phone or by asking them directly. However, if you plan to invite your new neighbors, it would be better to give out invites. People will have a reminder about the time and date of your party. You can call your friends or send them a message, but for strangers or acquaintances, it is better to prepare invitations 

pink calendar
Organize your party on Friday or on weekends

Gathering party supplies 

You can organize a move-in party in your home, or in the garden/backyard. If the weather is nice, definitely opt for the second solution. Then, it is time to gather party supplies. You can organize a themed party. This means buying party decorations according to your chosen theme. However, for an ordinary party, you will need paper plates and cups (easier to throw them away then to wash dishes), flowers, maybe some balloons, etc. In addition to this, you will need food and drinks. You can order food from a restaurant or you can cook. Again, this all depends on your personal preference. Some people find cooking relaxing so this can be a good way to destress after the move.  

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