The process of moving fragile plants

Moving is difficult even when all our things can fit into regular boxes. That is seldom the case, however. In reality, our belongings are often comprised of heavy, bulky items, of disproportional shapes and sizes. Those things can be extremely tricky to pack and move. Furthermore, handling items that have sentimental value to us also requires special attention. They are often delicate and breakable, and demand to be treated accordingly, both in the packing and transportation phase. The same goes for the fragile plants, in case you have some. Indeed, the process of moving fragile plants is as delicate as they come. Fortunately, there is a great number of reliable movers Las Vegas is known for, so you can count on some top-notch professional assistance. It’s much easier to deal with this particular type of moving with someone experienced guiding you through the process.

Does the distance influence the process of moving plants?

It sure does. The attention you need to pay on packing definitely varies depending on the distance you or your movers need to cross. Even more so, it influences the decision of whether you should hire movers in the first place. Needless to say, if you move locally, you could probably arrange and perform the move single-handedly, without professional assistance. Then again, moving from Las Vegas to New York, for example, could be hardly executed without the help of some experienced, professional, and reliable moving company.

Man preparing to move his plant
Packing and moving plants is always very similar, regardless of their size

Preparation is the key in the process of moving fragile plants

Obviously, if you want to move your fragile plants smoothly and properly, some serious preparation is required. That preparation should entail taking care of the plant itself, the pots, and the administration work. If you’re moving interstate, you should keep in mind that some states don’t allow certain species and plants cultivated on their territory. The US Department of Agriculture is the address you can consult in order to get all relevant information in that regard.

Moving fragile plants, and plants in general is a process that needs to start at least a week in advance. The reasons why that is important are many. Firstly, the plant itself needs to undergo a proper cleaning. All the dead peripheral pieces of it, branches, dust, pests, weeds – all of those need to be removed from the plant. Secondly, we usually keep our plants in heavy, solid, even stylish pots in our homes. They won’t do if we need to move. Before we move the plant into our new place together with us, we need to move it to some lighter and more practical pot. Plastic pots are particularly useful to serve that purpose.

So, make sure to buy adequate plastic pots on time, and don’t forget that handling such a delicate form of life as plants requires both patience and steady hands. Not thinking upfront is a mistake you should definitely avoid when moving fragile plants.

Fragile plants in pots
Fragile plants shouldn’t be moved when the sun burns, the air is dry, and the temperatures are unbearable

Some other important things one should have in mind when moving fragile plants are the following:

  • The process of moving fragile plants shouldn’t take place when the sun burns, the air is dry, and the temperatures unbearable. In other words – avoid moving your plants during the peak of the summer.
  • The plants should be adequately hydrated the night before the move. As strange as it may sound, the move is stressful for the plants also, so make sure they don’t go dry through it.
  • After you relocate, give your fragile plants a few days to adapt to the new environment. Don’t expose them directly to the sunlight and water them every day until they regain strength.

Should you go through the process of moving fragile plants alone and how costly is if you decide not to?

One of the most common questions when it comes to moving plants is whether we should do it by ourselves or look for assistance. If we are considering moving company to do it, there are a few things to count with. Most importantly, even though they’re just plants, they demand the same treatment as the most valuable, luxurious items during the move. Meaning that they easily break, require special conditions moisture and temperature-wise, etc. Of course, there are many moving companies that provide these services. But, one should keep in mind that those services are the most expensive ones. Should we really pay that insane amount of money to move a few plants?

The answer is – it depends. It depends on the number of plants you have, on how essential part of your home they are, and finally, on your budget. If you cultivate a proper little jungle in your home and have plenty of plants of which some are particularly fragile, hiring professionals makes sense. The same goes if you don’t have as many plants, but they mean a lot to you. That’s usually the case if they represent the most essential details in your home, something your living space wouldn’t be the same without. That said, if your budget is pretty much unrestricted, you can even hire professionals to help you with a single plant.

Are there any alternative options?

On the other hand, since most of us don’t have unrestricted budgets, let’s consider the alternatives. Well, the only viable alternative is to do it by ourselves. That is particularly doable if we are not moving interstate or too far away. In that case, our car and a pair of helping hands will do the trick. Obviously, the plant needs to stand firm and upright, and someone needs to hold it that way while we drive.

Woman in the process of moving fragile plants
Plastic pots are particularly useful for moving

Packing is the most important part of the process of moving fragile plants

The way of packing and moving plants is always very similar, regardless of their size. Still, there are a few subtle differences. The part that always remains the same are the pots – they should be carefully wrapped and packed together in a box, with lots of newspaper in between, for protection. The lid of the said box should be left open at all times; for the sake of plants being exposed to normal light, moisture, and temperature.

As for the large plants, the procedure is pretty much the same. Still, the thing that may cause problems are their tall tops and the fact they may tilt during the transport. Sometimes, sprawling parts need to be bound to keep from tilting. If these problems become too much to handle, removing plants from their pots is always an option. In that case, the root of the plant should be wrapped in a wet towel, and then in plastic.

With all this being said, it’s clear that moving plants to our new home is a serious business. Especially if they are fragile. Of course, all plants are fragile by definition, but those that are particularly fragile demand even more patient and focused treatment. Hopefully, after reading this article, the process of moving fragile plants will seem like a slightly less unknown territory.

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